Thursday, November 10, 2011

CHDK and Canon ELPH 300 HS

CHDK on the ELPH300 HS (Ixus 220 HS)

The Canon ELPH 300 HS is a new model released in March 2011, this means at the point of writing this post a CHDK release for this model doesn't exist yet. CHDK software needs to be rewritten for specific camera model released. This work is done by volunteers in their own time so it can take a while for a release to come out. You can see the state of development of CHDK for the new Canon ELPH 300 HS camera on the ELPH 300 page on the CHDK Wiki. For more detailed information about development you can go to the CHDK forums to see how the porting process is progressing. Searching the forums for "Elph 300" will return any posts on the progress of the port.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Canon ELPH 300 HS

Got One
Recently, I had been looking for a new Point & Shoot camera and thought the Canon Powershot ELPH 300 HS (also known as the IXUS 220 HS) fit my needs. A few days ago I went down to Henry's Camera store in Toronto and picked one one. This will mainly be my wife's camera, but I am sure I will make use of it when I get around to shooting some more timelapse's with CHDK or when I have had enough of carrying my SLR and lenses around all day.

Reasons why?
The reasons I chose this camera are:
  • 24mm (35mm equivalent fl) lens, which makes it wider than most P&S cameras
  • A CMOS sensor for low light performance (this is new sensor technology because this model was  released in March 2011)
  • Full HD video @ 1080p and HD @ 720p, as well as lower quality modes
  • Very small, easier to carry around
  • Canon, so it is compatible with CHDK

So there it is, my new camera, and why I chose it. Hopefully this will help you make a decision if you are considering a camera similar to the ELPH 300 HS (IXUS 220 HS).